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EGAP Writing_2.pdf2021 Sept. (v. 1.78)6.11 MBAdobe PDF見る/開く
タイトル: EGAP Writing 2: Research Writing_2021 Edition
著者: Full-time English Writing-Listening Instructors, Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, i-ARRC, Kyoto University
発行日: Sep-2021
出版者: International Academic Research and Resource Center for Language Education, Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences, Kyoto University (i-ARRC)
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 119
記述: これは2021年度版の教科書です。京都大学の1回生向けEWL(English Writing-Listening) コース受講者は、「全学統一ライティング教科書」(http://hdl.handle.net/2433/266844)のページから、受講年度に対応する教科書をダウンロードしてください。
「2021 Sept. (v. 1.78)」へファイルを差し替え(2021/09/01)
Stewart, T., LeBlanc, C., Lees, D., McCarthy, T., & Schipper, S. (2021). EGAP writing 2: Research writing. Kyoto University, International Academic Research and Resource Center for Language Education.
タイトルに文字追加(2021/12/21):EGAP Writing 2: Research Writing → EGAP Writing 2: Research Writing_2021 Edition
著作権等: © Kyoto University, i-ARRC
EGAP Writing 2: Research Writing by Kyoto University, i-ARRC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. Anyone is free to share the work for any noncommercial use, as long as they give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made to the original material. Any derivative works may not be distributed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/261151


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