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タイトル: <論文>地方都市における高校生の地域への愛着・Uターン意識・学力の3関係 --X地域の地方創生戦略における高校生の意識調査--
その他のタイトル: <Article>The Relationship between Attachment to Their Hometown, Intention of U-turn, and Academic Ability of High School Students in Provincial Cities: Consciousness Survey of High School Students on Strategy for Regional Revitalization in X Area
著者: 北山, 大地  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: KITAYAMA, Daichi
発行日: 31-Jan-2021
出版者: 京都大学学際融合教育研究推進センター地域連携教育研究推進ユニット
誌名: 地域連携教育研究
巻: 6
開始ページ: 107
終了ページ: 119
抄録: There is a situation that the more provincial cities put emphasis on educational measures, the more students do better academically and enroll in high academic-level universities in urban areas, which results for young people to move out. Previous studies have shown that the higher the academic ability, the higher the likelihood of youth population outflows, but the stronger the attachment to hometown, the greater the likelihood of returning to hometown in a U-turn. In addition, previous studies have shown that people returning to hometown in a U-turn contribute to revitalizing their communities. If the youth return to provincial cities in a U-turn, they can suppress population outflows and it can be expected to have economic benefits for provincial cities. In this study, a survey was conducted to high school students living in the X area and basic data of their attachment to their hometown and intention of U-turn was gained. By analyzing those data, the relationship between attachment to their hometown, intention of U-turn, and their academic ability was investigated, and also the possibility for them to return to their hometown after they have moved out of their provincial cities was explored. The analysis produced the following results. (1)The higher the academic ability rises, the higher the possibility becomes for youth population to outflow. However, by making the transferee's academic ability higher, there is a higher possibility for them to U-turn to their hometown. (2)The stronger the attachment to their hometown makes their academic ability to become lower. (3)There is a twisted relationship between the attachment to their hometown and their intention of U-turn, and their academic ability. In some cases, "the stronger their attachment to their hometown would make their intention of U-turn to become stronger, which makes their academic ability become higher." And for some cases, "the stronger their attachment to their hometown would make their academic ability to become lower, and the intention of U-turn becomes weaker."
DOI: 10.14989/JERRA_6_107
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/261792
関連リンク: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/251224


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