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タイトル: <研究ノート>日本国憲法の教育理念に関する考察 --教育基本法の改正に焦点を当てて--
その他のタイトル: <Notes>A Study on the Educational Philosophy of the Constitution of Japan: Focusing on the Revision of the Basic Act on Education
著者: 郭, 暁博  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: GUO, Xiaobo
発行日: 31-Jan-2021
出版者: 京都大学学際融合教育研究推進センター地域連携教育研究推進ユニット
誌名: 地域連携教育研究
巻: 6
開始ページ: 129
終了ページ: 135
抄録: After World War II, Japan's legal system was transformed from the previous Constitution of the Empire of Japan to the Constitution of Japan. The Constitution of Japan was promulgated in 1946 and came into effect in 1947. In the field of education, the Basic Act on Education was enacted in 1947 based on the basic principles of education in the Constitution of Japan. In 2006, the Basic Act on Education was amended for the first time in 60 years. This article examines how the basic principles of education in the Constitution of Japan is reflected in the revision of the Basic Act on Education. First, we examined the characteristics of constitutional rights regarding the modern constitution. Secondly, we clarified the basic principles of education of the Constitution of Japan. Thirdly, we examined the revision process, revision policy, and revision contents of the Basic Act on Education, which is based on the basic principles of education of the Constitution of Japan. Finally, we will explore the possibility of the revision of the educational system in Japan. As a result, it is necessary to pay attention to the impact of the revision of the Basic Act on Education on its effect of improving educational inequity and the realization of substantial equality. We must also promote closer cooperation between the national government, local governments, schools, families and local communities in order to guarantee children's educational rights while respecting their autonomy.
DOI: 10.14989/JERRA_6_129
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/261794


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