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タイトル: The transient experience of living in cities: focusing on the instability of Japanese-Filipinos in Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
著者: Saito, Yu
キーワード: Japanese-Filipino
internal migration
transient living experience
発行日: 2020
出版者: 京都大学アジア研究教育ユニット
誌名: Proceedings of the Next Generation Global Workshop
巻: 13
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 24
論文番号: 9
抄録: This paper sheds light on the domestic movement of Japanese-Filipinos after migrating to Japan, focusing in particular on Japanese-Filipinos living in Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture. This study examines the movement of Japanese-Filipinos by taking the perspective that their current place of residence is one part of a process of internal migration. The Filipino population has fluctuated significantly since 2017, indicating that residents are coming and going rapidly, a phenomenon closely related to changes in the Japanese-Filipino population. Most Japanese-Filipinos have moved in as a result of internal migration related to employment opportunities, mediated by a particular temporary employment agency which provides jobs to them working in factories, in addition to giving a large amount of support in both work and housing. As such, the relationship between Japanese-Filipinos and the agency is one of dependency. At the same time, however, the forced renewal of their working contracts every few months makes it difficult for them to have a long-term outlook, causing serious problems for families with children of school age. The migratory trends of Japanese-Filipinos seen in Toyooka City suggest that they are likely to stay as long as their employment contract lasts. At the same time, however, when their employment contract ends, they are compelled to move to another city or region because the choice of recruitment agencies for foreigners is limited. Previous experiences of domestic migration highlight the possibility of future replacement. These characteristics suggest that Japanese-Filipinos have chosen to settle in Japan under conditions of instability, repeatedly moving around the country. At the root of this instability and mobility might be the kind of environment in which Japanese-Filipinos are able to make a living on their own. The movement patterns of Japanese-Filipinos, not settling in one city but moving from place to place, show that it is important to follow their migration as a "line", that is, as an ongoing linear sequence of movements, in order to help clarify the way of life of Japanese-Filipinos in Japan.
記述: The 13th Next-Generation Global Workshop
テーマ: New Risks and Resilience in Asian Societies and the World 日程: 21-23 November, 2020 開催場所: ベトナム社会科学院(ハノイ)/Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences(No. 1 Lieu Giai street, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam) ※Due to the COVID-19, the workshop will be held at ONLINE for overseas participants(not from Vietnam)/ONSITE for Vietnamese participants.
This paper is part of the output of the Toyooka City-Kobe University joint research project "Gaikokujin jumin ni kan suru chosa kenkyu [Research on Foreign Residents]", conducted in 2019. This paper is an English translation of [Saito, Y. (2021). [Forthcoming]. The domestic migration of Japanese-Filipinos after migration to Japan: the case of Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture. Sociological Review of Kobe University, 38.], with modifications and additional information.
DOI: 10.14989/pnggw_13_9
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/263165
関連リンク: http://www.kuasu.cpier.kyoto-u.ac.jp/news/the-13th-nextgeneration-globalworkshop/
出現コレクション:Proceedings of the 13th Next Generation Global Workshop


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