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Title: Space Weather Prediction Using Ground-Based Observations
Other Titles: 地上望遠鏡による宇宙天気予報
Authors: Seki, Daikichi
Author's alias: 関, 大吉
Keywords: Space Weather
Solar Physics
Filament Eruptions
Artificial Satellites
H-alpha Observation
Issue Date: 23-Mar-2021
Publisher: Kyoto University
Description: 学位プログラム名: 京都大学大学院思修館
Conferring University: 京都大学
Degree Level: 新制・課程博士
Degree Discipline: 博士(総合学術)
Degree Report no.: 甲第23343号
Degree no.: 総総博第16号
Conferral date: 2021-03-23
Degree Call no.: 新制||総総||3(附属図書館)
Degree Affiliation: 京都大学大学院総合生存学館総合生存学専攻
Examination Committee members: (主査)教授 山敷 庸亮, 教授 寶 馨, 准教授 浅井 歩
Provisions of the Ruling of Degree: 学位規則第4条第1項該当
Rights: 許諾条件により本文は2022-03-01に公開
1. Seki, D., Otsuji, K., Ishii, T. T., Asai, A., Ichimoto, K., ‘Relationship between three-dimensional velocity of filament eruptions and CME association’, Earth, Planets and Space, Springer, in press (arXiv:2102.04578) 2. Seki, D., Otsuji, K., Ishii, T. T., Hirose, K., Iju, T., UeNo, S., Cabezas, D. P., Asai, A., Isobe, H., Ichimoto, K., Shibata, K., ‘SMART/SDDI Filament Disappearance Catalogue’, Sun and Geosphere, BBC SWS Regional Network, 14(2), 95–103, 2019 3. Seki, D., Otsuji, K., Isobe, H., Ishii, T. T., Ichimoto, K., Shibata, K., ‘Small-scale motions in the solar filaments as the precursors of the eruptions’, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, The Astronomical Society of Japan, 71(3), 56(18pp), 2019 4. Seki, D., UeNo, S., Isobe, H., Otsuji, K., Cabezas, D. P., Ichimoto, K., Shibata, K., CHAIN team, ‘Space Weather Prediction from the Ground: Case of CHAIN’, Sun and Geosphere, BBC SWS Regional Network, 13(2), 157–161, 2018 5. Seki, D., Otsuji, K., Isobe, H., Ishii, T. T., Sakaue, T., Hirose, K., ‘Increase in the amplitude of line-of-sight velocities of the small-scale motions in a solar filament before eruption’, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, The American Astronomical Society, 843(2), L24(5pp), 2017
DOI: 10.14989/doctor.k23343
Appears in Collections:155 Doctoral Dissertation (Philosophy)

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