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タイトル: <研究ノート>ティム・ヘイウォードのグローバル正義論 --現実を踏まえた規範理論の発展を目指して
著者: 岩城, 志紀  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Iwaki Yukinori
キーワード: ヘイウォード
発行日: 26-May-2021
出版者: 応用哲学会
誌名: Contemporary and Applied Philosophy
巻: 12
開始ページ: 105
終了ページ: 117
抄録: In formulating theories of global justice, some philosophers emphasise moral truth. They seek to identify principles of morality which must stand irrespective of people’s moral beliefs (what people believe to be morally true). Meanwhile, others also consider the actual circumstances which characterise the real world. Tim Hayward is one of the contemporary philosophers who have emphasised such worldly realities. His theory has not attracted much attention in Japan. But his contributions have been widely recognised in the European and the North American contexts. In this research note, I shall highlight several key elements which constitute Hayward’s theory of global justice: namely, his theory of human rights; his theory of systemic harm; his theory of global finance; and his theory of the state. In each element, worldly realities are taken to be of great importance. I shall close this note by listing the five worldly realities which Hayward has tried to integrate in the philosophy of global justice.
DOI: 10.14989/263846
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/263846
関連リンク: https://jacap.org/journal/
出現コレクション:vol. 12


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