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タイトル: ヒュームと人種主義
その他のタイトル: Hume and Racism
著者: 西内, 亮平  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Nishiuchi, Ryohei
発行日: 1-Jul-2021
出版者: 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科『人間存在論』刊行会
誌名: 人間存在論
巻: 27
開始ページ: 61
終了ページ: 74
抄録: David Hume is generally regarded as one of the most acute critics of superstition and prejudice during the Enlightenment. However, a footnote added to his essay “Of National Characters” has been cited by both racists and anti-racists, and his view has had considerable influence on subsequent racism. Starting with Richard Popkin, many researchers have revealed the relationship between Hume and modern racism, and provided various arguing points on the matter. In this article, I survey previous research and clarify what to examine now. First, I examine a series of theses published by Popkin , the first instance of these investigations. I especially consider his understanding of the history of ideas regarding racism, as it is the basis for his interpretation of Hume’s racism. Popkin argues that modern racism is derived from polygenetic theory, or pre-Adamite theory, and that Hume’s notorious footnote suggests his implied polygenetic position, which is of non-theological or naturalistic form. However, polygenetic theory in itself can be neutral toward racism. Thus we must reconsider what we can criticise Hume for as well as the meaning of the word “racism.” Second, although Popkin’s interpretation played an important role in research on Hume’s racism, some objections have been raised against it. Among these, John Immewahr’s objection is particularly significant. Immewahr shows that when Popkin argued Hume never modified his contention in the subsequent editions of his essays despite some attacks, especially from James Beattie, Popkin overlooked the revisions of the note in question in the 1777 edition. In fact, despite having deleted or concealed his polygenetic opinion, Hume’s racial prejudice against Black people remained in the revised footnote. Therefore, Immewahr concludes that Hume’s racism was a considered and deliberate position. As this conclusion is now widely accepted, then we must question the relationship, if any, between Hume’s racism and his entire philosophy. Then, I examine this relationship in several respects, such as induction and prejudice, which have been discussed by numerous researchers. For instance, Popkin states that as Hume ignored counterexamples he could access, he was “a poor empirical researcher.” Hence, we must consider the reason and manner in which Hume arrived at such a conclusion, which we must examine. Likewise, Hume’s racial prejudice has been pointed out. Meanwhile, Hume himself criticised prejudice in “Of the Standard of Taste”. We must reconcile both statements. Consequently, the complex and complied arguments regarding Hume’s racial view are delineated and clarified.
記述: 本稿は、二〇一九年八月二七・二八日に行われたヒューム研究学会第三〇回例会の発表原稿「人間本性の自然史:ヒュームにおける人間の多様性と一様性」の一部を拡張し大幅に書き直したものである
著作権等: © 京都大学 大学院人間・環境学研究科『人間存在論』刊行会 2021
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/264702


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