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タイトル: Project 9 Advancement of integrated system for dose estimation in BNCT (R2P9)
著者: Sakurai, Y.
発行日: Aug-2021
出版者: Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University
誌名: KURNS Progress Report
巻: 2020
開始ページ: 64
終了ページ: 85
目次: PR9-1 Establishment of characterization estimation method in BNCT irradiation field using Bonner sphere and ionization chamber (IV) /Y. Sakurai et al. (R2P9-1) [66]
PR9-2 Study on New Type of Neutron Spctrometer for BNCT /K. Watababe et al. (R2P9-2) [67]
PR9-3 Response characteristic measurements of lithium-glass scintillators used in the BSS for the intense neutron beams /A. Masuda et al. (R2P9-3) [68]
PR9-4 Neutron measurement by using the self-activation of iodine-added liquid scintillators /A. Nohtomi et al. (R2P9-5) [69]
PR9-5 Development of Absolute Epi-thermal and Fast Neutron Flux Intensity Detectors for BNCT /I. Murata et al. (R2P9-6) [70]
PR9-6 Characterization of Active Neutron Detector for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy /M. Takada et al. (R2P9-7) [71]
PR9-7 Study for microdosimetry using silicon-on-insulator microdosimeter in the BNCT irradiation field (IV) /Y. Sakurai et al. (R2P9-8) [72]
PR9-8 Measurement of thermal neutrons and gamma rays in BNCT beam with polymer gel detector /K. Tanaka et al. (R2P9-9) [73]
PR9-9 Development of two dimensional neutron detector in BNCT irradiation field /H. Tanaka et al. (R2P9-10) [74]
PR9-10 Study of Neutron Fluence and Gamma ray Distribution Measuring using Thermoluminescence Slabs /K. Shinsho et al. (R2P9-11) [75]
PR9-11 Development and evaluation of 3D gel dosimeter for the measurement of dose distribution in BNCT /S. Hayashi et al. (R2P9-13) [76]
PR9-12 Establishment of beam-quality estimation method in BNCT irradiation field using dual phantom technique (IV) /Y. Sakurai et al. (R2P9-14) [77]
PR9-13 Development of a prompt gamma-ray imaging detector using an 8 x 8 arrayed LaBr₃(Ce) scintillator for BNCT /K. Okazaki et al. (R2P9-15) [78]
PR9-14 Development of Fiber-reading Radiation Monitoring System with an Optical Fiber and Red-emitting Scintillator at the ⁶⁰Co Radiation Facility /S. Kurosawa et al. (R2P9-16) [79]
PR9-15 Establishment of the Imaging Technology of 478 keV Prompt Gamma-rays of Boron-neutron Capture Reaction and the Measurement of the Intensity of the Neutron Field /S. Komura et al. (R2P9-17) [80]
PR9-16 Feasibility study for quality assurance and control for irradiation field in BNCT /S. Nakamura et al. (R2P9-18) [81]
PR9-17 Evaluation of thermal neutron irradiation field for semiconductor device irradiation /H. Tanaka et al. (R2P9-19) [82]
PR9-18 Optimization of Bolus Shape for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy --Examination Using Simple Shaped Phantom for Experimental Verification-- T. Takata et al. (R2P9-20) [83]
PR9-19 Verification of the annealing capability of boric acid-infused PVA-GTA-I gel dosimeter /H. Yasuda et al. (R2P9-23) [84]
PR9-20 Establishment of Quantitative Measurement of Boron Concentration Distribution in vivo by Imaging of Prompt Gamma Rays /S. Komura et al. (R2P9-24) [85]
記述: In case that corrections are made, an errata will be provided in the following webpage: https://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/PR/ProgRep2020/ProgRep2020.html
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/264990
関連リンク: https://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/PR/ProgRep2020/ProgRep2020.html


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