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タイトル: 6. Life Science and Medical Science
発行日: Aug-2021
出版者: Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University
誌名: KURNS Progress Report
巻: 2020
開始ページ: 157
終了ページ: 172
目次: CO6-1 Structural study of the overlapping tri-nucleosome in solution /M. Nishimura et al. (R2003) [157]
CO6-2 Character of DNA damage induced by nuclear palnt neutron beams /H. Terato et al. (R2007) [158]
CO6-3 Evaluation of radiation resistance of lens constituent proteins involved in age-related cataract /T. Takata and K. Lampi (R2010) [159]
CO6-4 A feasibility study of inverse contrast-matching small-angle neutron scattering method combined with size exclusion chromatography using antibody interactions as model systems /M. Yagi-Utsumi et al. (R2020) [160]
CO6-5 Structural characterization of circadian clock potein complexes /H. Yagi et al. (R2024) [161]
CO6-6 Radioresistance Mechanisms Acquired by Adaptive Evolution and their Evolutionary Mechanisms /T. Saito (R2029) [162]
CO6-7 SAXS analysis of the formation process of the nucleation intermediate of insulin B chain: The measurement at different pH conditions /Y. Yoshikawa et al. (R2043) [163]
CO6-8 Evaluation of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) using brain tumor bearing rats or mice models /H. Kashiwagi et al. (R2050) [164]
CO6-9 The study of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) for primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) /H. Kashiwagi et al. (R2051) [165]
CO6-10 Identification of amino acid residues responsible for the temperature dependency of sHsps from methanogens /M. Yohda et al. (R2058) [166]
CO6-11 Quantitative analysis of contribution of tumor vascular damage to antitumor effect of X-ray using BNCR /K. Ono et al. (R2065) [167]
CO6-12 ¹¹C medical-isotope production via the ¹²C(γ, n)¹¹C reaction with carbon nanotube (CNT) /N. Takahashi et al. (R2108) [168]
CO6-13 Demostrated Measuring by Laser Device of the Thickness of A Human Thigh Calcified Artery Vascular Tissue /N. Miyoshi and T. Takahashi (R2111) [169]
CO6-14 Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Glucose and Macrocyclic Polyamine-type Boron Carriers for NCT /S. Aoki et al. (R2156) [170]
CO6-15 Preparation and Characterization of BPA-uridine conjugate for BNCT /K. Tanabe et al. (R2160) [171]
CO6-16 Asp racemization/isomerization in shedding products of cell adhesion molecule 1 is potentially involved in the neurodegeneration induced by elevated pressure /A. Yoneshige et al. (R2169) [172]
記述: In case that corrections are made, an errata will be provided in the following webpage: https://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/PR/ProgRep2020/ProgRep2020.html
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/264996
関連リンク: https://www.rri.kyoto-u.ac.jp/PUB/report/PR/ProgRep2020/ProgRep2020.html


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