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タイトル: <論文>イルビリー著『悲嘆の除去』におけるスンナ派文献の戦略的引用 --超宗派的信仰として描かれる十二イマーム崇敬--
その他のタイトル: <Article>Strategical Quotation of Sunni Sources in the Kashf al-Ghumma by al-Irbilī : Describing Reverence for the Twelve Imams as Trans-sectarian Piety
著者: 水上, 遼  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MIZUKAMI, Ryo
キーワード: イルビリー
13th century Iraq
Sunni-Shiʻi relationship
the Twelve Imams
発行日: 25-Dec-2020
出版者: 西南アジア研究会
誌名: 西南アジア研究
巻: 91
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 24
抄録: ʻAlī b. ʻĪsā al-Irbilī (d. 1293 or 93/4), the famous Shiʻi scholar and secretary serving the governor of Iraq in the Ilkhanid period, compiled the Kashf al-Ghumma, a work of faḍāʾil (virtues) on the Twelve Imams. Al-Irbilī employed a remarkable compilation strategy in the work to describe the reverence for the Imams as trans-sectarian piety. Al-Irbilī and other Iraqi Shiʻi faḍāʾil authors shared this strategy and aimed to respond to the spread of reverence for the Imams among Sunnis. As al-Irbilī declares in the introduction to the Kashf al-Ghumma, he quotes traditions related to the Imams from various Sunni sources and does not use many Shiʻi sources. He refrains from criticizing Sunnism or adopting the traditions which reproach the doctrines and beliefs of the opposite sect. Further, at the beginning of description of each Imam, he uses quotations from the faḍāʾil works on the Imams by Sunnis, such as the Maṭālib al-Suʼul by Ibn Ṭalḥa (d. 1254) and the Ma‘ālim al-‘Itra by al-Junābadhī (d. 1215). He usually closes the descriptions with quotations from a biographical dictionary by Sunni and anthologies highly regarded in the Sunni milieu. However, especially in the later part of the work, the regulation of the quotation unravels, and less Sunni sources are mentioned. This incompleteness reflects the fact that there were various opinions concerning the Imams even among the Imamophilic Sunnis; for example, al-Junābadhī dealt with only the eleven Imams in his work and did not mention the twelfth Imam. The Kashf al-Ghumma, which reflects the Imamophilia among Sunnis, was widely received directly or indirectly by Sunni faḍāʾil authors and historians in Mecca, Iran, the Ottoman Empire and Mughal India.
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2023-12-25に公開
DOI: 10.14989/seinan-asia-kenkyu_91_1
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/265067


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