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タイトル: <研究ノート>トハーラの境域と,藍市城と活国都城
その他のタイトル: <Note>Notes on Tokhāra : Towns and Territory
著者: 桑山, 正進  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: KUWAYAMA, Shōshin
キーワード: トハーラ

Qalʻa-ye Zāl
発行日: 25-Dec-2020
出版者: 西南アジア研究会
誌名: 西南アジア研究
巻: 91
開始ページ: 119
終了ページ: 132
抄録: The Shiji 史記(completed in c. BC 91) and the Hanshu 漢書 (completed in c. AD 82) describe that Daxia 大夏, or Tokhāra, is located to the south of the Guīsuĭ 嬀水 (the Amu River),in the northern part of present-day Afghānistān. Tokhāra also appears in the ʻwestern-regionʼ chapter of the Weishu 魏書, completed in AD 554, but this Tokhāra covers a much more extensive area including various northern regions beyond the Amu River, which also more or less matches Xuanzangʼs 玄奘 account of the area in his Da Tang Xiyuji 大唐西域記, edited in AD 645-646. Hence, a question arises: how was the rather small original Tokhāra expanded to this size? In this paper, I argue that what enabled this expansion was the Kušānsʼ sway over the Da Yuezhi, rather than the Da Yuezhi conquest of Tokhāra. Making strange contrast with Chinese sources, the 10th century Persian geography Ḥudūd al-ʻĀlam, seems to have preserved evidence for the small original Tokhāra in ancient time. It informs that Tokhāristān, with the capital at Warwālij, lies to the east of Khulm. I also attempt to identify Lanshi 藍市 in Tokhāra of the Han time with a sizable town site north of Qalʻa-ye Zāl at the confluence of the Amu with the Kunduz. Following the Da Tang Xiyji that refers to the capital of *War 活on the south bank of the Amu, Warwālij can also share the above site with Lanshi, in view of stratigraphy.
著作権等: 許諾条件により本文は2023-12-25に公開
DOI: 10.14989/seinan-asia-kenkyu_91_119
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/265071


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