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dc.description令和3年1月15日開催 (January, 15, 2021)ja
dc.description編集 : 小林義男、柴田理尋、谷口秋洋ja
dc.descriptionEdited by: Y. Kobayashi, M. Shibata, and A. Taniguchien
dc.description.abstract原子炉や加速器を利用することで、多様な不安定原子核や素粒子を生成できる。これらの不安定原子核や素粒子は、宇宙核物理や原子核物理の研究対象であるばかりでなく、その静的な電磁気性質を用い、超微細相互作用を介して、電子物性の研究にも広く利用されている。これらの研究分野及び関連する領域に関し、令和3(2021)年1月15日、「短寿命RIを用いた核分光と核物性研究VII」専門研究会がオンライン形式で開催された。新型コロナウイルスの感染が拡大する最中ではあったが、1)メスバウアー分光法関連 2)摂動角相関測定法関連 3)陽電子寿命分光法 4)ミュオンスピン緩和とβ核磁気共鳴法 5)ミュオンを用いた化学状態分析 6)不安定核ビーム生成装置開発 7)核分光法 等、多彩なテーマが提供された。活発な議論がなされ、各研究分野の最新の動向や技術的ノウハウを知る場として十分機能した。また、院生・学生の積極的な参加も頼もしい限りであった。お忙しい中、原稿をお寄せいただいた講演者の方々にお礼を申し上げると共に、この報告書が、今後の各研究の進展に貢献すれば幸いである。ja
dc.description.abstractVarious unstable nuclei and elementary particles can be generated by using a reactor or an accelerator. These unstable nuclei and elementary particles are not only the targets of nuclear astrophysics and nuclear physics, but are also widely used as useful probes for investigation of electromagnetic properties of condensed maters through their hyperfine interactions. Regarding these research fields and related fields, on January 15, 2021, the specialist meeting "Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Properties Using Short-Life RI VII '' was held online. Although it was in the midst of the spread of the new coronavirus in Japan, the following talks were presented. 1) Mössbauer spectroscopy 2) TDPAC (time-differential perturbed angular correlation) 3) Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy 4) μ-SR and β-NMR 5) Identification of chemical state using muons 6) Development of the radioactive ion beam techniques 7) Nuclear spectroscopy At the meeting, useful information in each research field and know-how of the experimental techniques were exchanged through active discussions, and the positive attitude of graduate students and students was also encouraged. The editors would like to thank the authors for preparing the manuscripts and hope that this report will contribute to the future progress of each research field.en
dc.description.tableofcontents1) 時間およびエネルギー分析メスバウアー分光法の開発/ 北尾真司(京大複合研)、増田亮(弘前大理工)、谷口博紀(京大院理)、田嶋寛介(京大院理)、依田芳卓(JASRI)、瀬戸誠(京大複合研) [1]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents2) Fe-Ag系Hofmann型スピンクロスオーバー錯体におけるメスバウアー分光法/ 北清航輔(東邦大理)、高橋正(東邦大理; 東邦大複合物性センター)、北澤孝史(東邦大理; 東邦大複合物性センター) [4]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents3) ホフマン型配位高分子錯体の⁶¹Niメスバウアー分光/ 北澤孝史(東邦大理; 東邦大複合物性センター)、岡田浩明(東邦大理)、上田大生(東邦大理)、小林康浩(京都大学複合原子力科学研究所)、北尾真司(京都大学複合原子力科学研究所)、窪田卓見(京都大学複合原子力科学研究所)、瀬戸誠(京都大学複合原子力科学研究所) [10]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents4) 高エネルギー核種における放射光メスバウアー分光の無冷媒化/ 筒井智嗣(高輝度光科学研究センター; 茨城大院理工) [16]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents5) 放射性セシウムの除染と土壌中の鉄の酸化還元状態/ 中島覚(広島大N-BARD; 広島大院先進理工)、バスキトリヨノ(広島大N-BARD)、稲田晋宣(広島大N-BARD) [22]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents6) ミュオンを用いた鉄の化学状態分析/ 二宮和彦(阪大院理)、梶野芽都(阪大院理)、南部明弘(阪大院理)、稲垣誠(京大複合研)、工藤拓人(阪大院理)、寺田健太郎(阪大院理)、佐藤朗(阪大院理)、友野大(阪大RCNP)、川島祥孝(阪大RCNP)、酒井陽一(大同大)、高山努(大同大)、篠原厚(阪大院理) [24]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents7) ポジトロニウム寿命測定法を用いたMOFsの空孔の研究/ 上田大生(東邦大理; 東京学芸大教育)、佐藤公法(東京学芸大教育)、北澤孝史(東邦大理) [25]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents8) KISS、MRTOFを用いた核分光実験の現状/ 渡辺裕、短寿命核グループ(高エネルギー加速器研究機構 素粒子原子核研究所 和光原子核科学センター) [28]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents9) 全立体角型クローバー検出器用β線検出器の試作とKUR-ISOLでのオンライン試験/ 石川陽一郎(名大院工)、入江優香(名大院工)、金地真穂(名大院工)、柴田理尋(名大RIセンター)、谷口秋洋(京大複合研) [31]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents10) ハルバッハ配列永久磁石を用いた小型β-NMR装置の開発/ 木村容子(阪大理)、三原基嗣(阪大理)、松多健策(阪大理)、福田光順(阪大理)、大谷優里花(阪大理)、高山元(阪大理)、泉川卓司(新潟大研究推進機構)、野口法秀(新潟大自然)、生越瑞揮(新潟大自然)、佐藤弥紗(新潟大自然)、高津和哉(新潟大自然)、大坪隆(新潟大自然)、髙橋弘幸(東京都市大)、百田佐多生(高知工科大)、奥村寛之(高知工科大)、森口哲朗(筑波大)、小沢顕(筑波大)、北川敦志(量研機構)、佐藤眞二(量研機構) [37]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents11) 溶液中のβ-NMR分光のための高分解能化について/ 三原基嗣(阪大理)、松多健策(阪大理)、福田光順(阪大理)、若林諒(阪大理)、大谷優里花(阪大理)、木村容子(阪大理)、福留美樹(阪大理)、高山元(阪大理)、南園忠則(阪大理)、西村太樹(東京都市大)、高橋弘幸(東京都市大)、泉川卓司(新潟大研究推進機構)、大坪隆(新潟大理)、野口法秀(新潟大理)、生越瑞揮(新潟大理)、佐藤弥紗(新潟大理)、高津和哉(新潟大理)、百田佐多生(高知工科大)、小沢顕(筑波大)、長友傑(理研仁科セ)、北川敦志(量子科学技術研究開発機構)、佐藤眞二(量子科学技術研究開発機構) [41]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents12) 酸化物形燃料電池材料YSZ中¹⁹Oのスピン格子緩和時間の温度依存性/ 大谷優里花(阪大理)、三原基嗣(阪大理)、松多健策(阪大理)、福田光順(阪大理)、若林諒(阪大理)、沖本直哉(阪大理)、福留美樹(阪大理)、木村容子(阪大理)、高山元(阪大理)、泉川卓司(新潟大研究推進機構)、野口法秀(新潟大自然)、生越瑞揮(新潟大自然)、佐藤弥紗(新潟大自然)、高津和哉(新潟大自然)、大坪隆(新潟大自然)、西村太樹(東京都市大)、髙橋弘幸(東京都市大)、菅原奏来(東京都市大)、Aleksey Gladkov(理研仁科セ)、北川敦志(量研機構)、佐藤眞二(量研機構)、百田佐多生(高知工科大)、奥村寛之(高知工科大)、森口哲朗(筑波大)、小沢顕(筑波大) [45]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents13) 摂動角相関法を用いたペロブスカイト型酸化物SrTiO₃中の酸素イオンダイナミクス測定/ 小松田沙也加(金沢大人社)、佐藤渉(金沢大理工)、大久保嘉高(京大複合研) [49]ja
dc.description.tableofcontents1) Development of Time-and Energy-Resolved Mössbauer Spectroscopy/ S. Kitao(Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto Univ.) and R. Masuda(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hirosaki Univ.), H. Taniguchi(Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.), H. Tajima(Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.), Y. Yoda(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute), M. Seto(Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto Univ.) [1]en
dc.description.tableofcontents2) Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Fe-Ag Hofmann-type SCO complex/ K. Kitase(Faculty of Science, Toho University), M. Takahashi(Faculty of Science, Toho University; Research Centre for Materials with Integrated Properties, Toho University) and T. Kitazawa(Faculty of Science, Toho University; Research Centre for Materials with Integrated Properties, Toho University) [4]en
dc.description.tableofcontents3) ⁶¹Ni Mössbauer Spectroscopy for Hofmann-like Coordination Polymers/ T. Kitazawa(Faculty of Science, Toho University; Research Centre for Materials with Integrated Properties, Toho University), H. Okada(Faculty of Science, Toho University), D. Ueda(Faculty of Science, Toho University), Y. Kobayashi(Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University), S. Kitao(Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University), T. Kubota(Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University) and M. Seto(Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University) [10]en
dc.description.tableofcontents4) Synchrotron-Radiation-Based Mössbauer Spectroscopy on High-Energy Resonant Nuclei using a He-free Cryostat/ S. Tsutsui(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), SPring-8; Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki Univ.) [16]en
dc.description.tableofcontents5) Decontamination of Radioactive Cesium and the Redox State of Iron in the Soil/ S. Nakashima(Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development, Hiroshima Univ; Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima Univ.), T. Basuki(Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development, Hiroshima Univ.), and K. Inada(Natural Science Center for Basic Research and Development, Hiroshima Univ.) [22]en
dc.description.tableofcontents6) Non-destructive identification of chemical state for iron compounds by muon/ K. Ninomiya(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), M. Kajino(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), A. Nanbu(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), M. Inagaki(Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University), T. Kudo(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), K. Terada(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), A. Sato(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), D. Tomono(Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University), Y. Kawashima(Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University), Y. Sakai(Department of Chemistry, Daido University), T. Takayama(Department of Chemistry, Daido University) and A. Shinohara(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University) [24]en
dc.description.tableofcontents7) Probing the Open Spaces in MOFs with Positronium Lifetime Spectroscopy/ D. Ueda(Department of Chemistry, Toho University; Department of Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University), K. Sato(Department of Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Gakugei University) and T. Kitazawa(Department of Chemistry, Toho University) [25]en
dc.description.tableofcontents8) Present status of nuclear spectroscopic experiments using KISS and MRTOF/ Y.Watanabe(Wako Nuclear Science Center (WNSC), Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) for KEK RNB group [28]en
dc.description.tableofcontents9) Trial productions of β-detector for a 4π clover detector and On-Line experiment using KUR-ISOL/ Y. Ishikawa(Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University), Y. Irie(Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University), M. Kanaji(Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University), M. Shibata(Radioisotope Research Center, Nagoya University) and A. Taniguchi(Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University) [31]en
dc.description.tableofcontents10) Development of a Small Beta-NMR System Using Halbach Array Permanent Magnet/ Y. Kimura(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), M. Mihara(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), K. Matsuta(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), M. Fukuda(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), Y. Otani(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), G. Takayama(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), T. Izumikawa(IRP, Niigata University), N. Noguchi(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University), M. Ogose(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University), Y. Sato(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University), K. Takatsu(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University), T. Ohtsubo(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University) , H. Takahashi(Tokyo City University), S. Momota(Kochi University of Technology), H. Okumura(Kochi University of Technology), T. Moriguchi(Tsukuba University), A. Ozawa(Tsukuba University), A. Kitagawa(QST), and S. Shinji(QST) [37]en
dc.description.tableofcontents11) Improvement of Spectral Resolution for β-NMR Spectroscopy in Liquids/ M. Mihara(Department of Physics, Osaka University), K. Matsuta(Department of Physics, Osaka University), M. Fukuda(Department of Physics, Osaka University), R. Wakabayashi(Department of Physics, Osaka University), Y. Otani(Department of Physics, Osaka University), Y. Kimura(Department of Physics, Osaka University), M. Fukutome(Department of Physics, Osaka University), G. Takayama(Department of Physics, Osaka University), T. Minamisono(Department of Physics, Osaka University), D. Nishimura(Tokyo City University), H. Takahashi(Tokyo City University), T. Izumikawa(Institute for Research Promotion, Niigata University), T. Ohtsubo(Department of Physics, Niigata University), N. Noguchi(Department of Physics, Niigata University), M. Ogose(Department of Physics, Niigata University), M. Sato(Department of Physics, Niigata University), K. Takatsu(Department of Physics, Niigata University), S. Momota, (Kochi Institute of Technology), A. Ozawa(University of Tsukuba), T. Nagatomo(RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science), A. Kitagawa(National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST)) and S. Sato(National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST)) [41]en
dc.description.tableofcontents12) Temperature dependence of spin-lattice relaxation time of ¹⁹O in oxide fuel cell material YSZ/ Y. Otani(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), M. Mihara(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), K. Matsuta(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), M. Fukuda(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), R. Wakabayashi(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), N. Okimoto(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), M. Fukutome(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), Y. Kimura(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), G. Takayama(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University), T. Izumikawa(IRP, Niigata University), N. Noguchi(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University), M. Ogose(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University), Y. Sato(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University), K. Takatsu(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University), T. Ohtsubo(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University), D. Nishimura(Tokyo City University), H. Takahashi(Tokyo City University), S. Sugawara(Tokyo City University), A. Gladkov(RIKEN), A. Kitagawa(QST), S. Sato(QST), S. Momota(Kochi University of Technology), H. Okumura(Kochi University of Technology), T. Moriguchi(Tsukuba University) and A. Ozawa(Tsukuba University) [45]en
dc.description.tableofcontents13) Observation of Dynamic Behavior of Indium Doped SrTiO₃ Studied by Means of the Perturbed Angular Correlation Method/ S. Komatsuda(Institute of Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa Univ.), W. Sato(Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa Univ.) and Y. Ohkubo(Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto Univ) [49]en
dc.publisher.alternativeInstitute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto Universityen
dc.title令和二年度 「短寿命RIを用いた核分光と核物性研究VII」ja
dc.title.alternativeProceedings of the Specialists' Meeting on "Nuclear Spectroscopy and Condensed Matter Physics Using Short-Lived Nuclei VII"en
dc.typeresearch report-
dc.type.niitypeResearch Paper-
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
出現コレクション:KURNS Report


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