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タイトル: Natural tetramic acids elicit multiple inhibitory actions against mitochondrial machineries presiding over oxidative phosphorylation
著者: Unten, Yufu
Murai, Masatoshi  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6601-2854 (unconfirmed)
Sakai, Katsuyuki
Asami, Yukihiro
Yamamoto, Takenori
Masuya, Takahiro  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4950-0527 (unconfirmed)
Miyoshi, Hideto  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1792-554X (unconfirmed)
著者名の別形: 運天, 優歩
村井, 正俊
桝谷, 貴洋
三芳, 秀人
キーワード: tetramic acid
oxidative phosphorylation
発行日: Dec-2021
出版者: Oxford University Press (OUP)
誌名: Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry
巻: 85
号: 12
開始ページ: 2368
終了ページ: 2377
抄録: The mitochondrial machineries presiding over ATP synthesis via oxidative phosphorylation are promising druggable targets. Fusaramin, a 3-acyl tetramic acid isolated from Fusarium concentricum FKI-7550, is an inhibitor of oxidative phosphorylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria, although its target has yet to be identified. Fusaramin significantly interfered with [³H]ADP uptake by yeast mitochondria at the concentration range inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation. A photoreactive fusaramin derivative (pFS-5) specifically labeled voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1), which facilitates trafficking of ADP/ATP across the outer mitochondrial membrane. These results strongly suggest that the inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation by fusaramin is predominantly attributable to the impairment of VDAC1 functions. Fusaramin also inhibited F₀F₁ATP synthase and ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex III) at concentrations higher than those required for the VDAC inhibition. Considering that other tetramic acid derivatives are reported to inhibit F₀F₁ATP synthase and complex III, natural tetramic acids were found to elicit multiple inhibitory actions against mitochondrial machineries.
著作権等: This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in [Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry] following peer review. The version of record [Yufu Unten, Masatoshi Murai, Katsuyuki Sakai, Yukihiro Asami, Takenori Yamamoto, Takahiro Masuya, Hideto Miyoshi, Natural tetramic acids elicit multiple inhibitory actions against mitochondrial machineries presiding over oxidative phosphorylation, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, Volume 85, Issue 12, December 2021, Pages 2368–2377] is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/bbb/zbab176.
The full-text file will be made open to the public on 08 October 2022 in accordance with publisher's 'Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving'.
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URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/266256
DOI(出版社版): 10.1093/bbb/zbab176
PubMed ID: 34625801


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