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タイトル: Ultrastrong magnon–magnon coupling dominated by antiresonant interactions
著者: Makihara, Takuma
Hayashida, Kenji
Noe II, G. Timothy
Li, Xinwei
Marquez Peraca, Nicolas
Ma, Xiaoxuan
Jin, Zuanming
Ren, Wei
Ma, Guohong
Katayama, Ikufumi
Takeda, Jun
Nojiri, Hiroyuki
Turchinovich, Dmitry
Cao, Shixun
Bamba, Motoaki  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9811-0416 (unconfirmed)
Kono, Junichiro
著者名の別形: 馬場, 基彰
キーワード: Magnetic properties and materials
Quantum optics
発行日: 2021
出版者: Springer Nature
誌名: Nature Communications
巻: 12
論文番号: 3115
抄録: Exotic quantum vacuum phenomena are predicted in cavity quantum electrodynamics systems with ultrastrong light-matter interactions. Their ground states are predicted to be vacuum squeezed states with suppressed quantum fluctuations owing to antiresonant terms in the Hamiltonian. However, such predictions have not been realized because antiresonant interactions are typically negligible compared to resonant interactions in light-matter systems. Here we report an unusual, ultrastrongly coupled matter-matter system of magnons that is analytically described by a unique Hamiltonian in which the relative importance of resonant and antiresonant interactions can be easily tuned and the latter can be made vastly dominant. We found a regime where vacuum Bloch-Siegert shifts, the hallmark of antiresonant interactions, greatly exceed analogous frequency shifts from resonant interactions. Further, we theoretically explored the system’s ground state and calculated up to 5.9 dB of quantum fluctuation suppression. These observations demonstrate that magnonic systems provide an ideal platform for exploring exotic quantum vacuum phenomena predicted in ultrastrongly coupled light-matter systems.
著作権等: © The Author(s) 2021
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URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/267492
DOI(出版社版): 10.1038/s41467-021-23159-z
PubMed ID: 34035241


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