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タイトル: New Insights on Structures Forming the Lignin-Like Fractions of Ancestral Plants
著者: Rencoret, Jorge
Gutiérrez, Ana
Marques, Gisela
del Río, José C.
Tobimatsu, Yuki  kyouindb  KAKEN_id  orcid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7578-7392 (unconfirmed)
Lam, Pui Ying
Pérez-Boada, Marta
Ruiz-Dueñas, Francisco Javier
Barrasa, José M.
Martínez, Angel T.
著者名の別形: 飛松, 裕基
キーワード: lignin
analytical pyrolysis
発行日: 2021
出版者: Frontiers Media SA
誌名: Frontiers in Plant Science
巻: 12
論文番号: 740923
抄録: In the present work, lignin-like fractions were isolated from several ancestral plants –including moss (Hypnum cupressiforme and Polytrichum commune), lycophyte (Selaginella kraussiana), horsetail (Equisetum palustre), fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia and Pteridium aquilinum), cycad (Cycas revoluta), and gnetophyte (Ephedra fragilis) species– and structurally characterized by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D-NMR) spectroscopy. Py-GC/MS yielded marker compounds characteristic of lignin units, except in the H. cupressiforme, P. commune and E. palustre “lignins, ” where they were practically absent. Additional structural information on the other five samples was obtained from 2D-NMR experiments displaying intense correlations signals of guaiacyl (G) units in the fern and cycad lignins, along with smaller amounts of p-hydroxyphenyl (H) units. Interestingly, the lignins from the lycophyte S. kraussiana and the gnetophyte E. fragilis were not only composed of G- and H-lignin units but they also incorporated significant amounts of the syringyl (S) units characteristic of angiosperms, which appeared much later in plant evolution, most probably due to convergent evolution. The latter finding is also supported by the abundance of syringol derivatives after the Py-GC/MS analyses of these two samples. Regarding lignin structure, β−O−4′ alkyl-aryl ethers were the most abundant substructures, followed by condensed β−5′ phenylcoumarans and β−β′ resinols (and dibenzodioxocins in the fern and cycad lignins). The highest percentages of alkyl-aryl ether structures correlated with the higher S/G ratio in the S. Kraussiana and E. fragilis lignin-like fractions. More interestingly, apart from the typical monolignol-derived lignin units (H, G and S), other structures, assigned to flavonoid compounds never reported before in natural lignins (such as amentoflavone, apigenin, hypnogenol B, kaempferol, and naringenin), could also be identified in the HSQC spectra of all the lignin-like fractions analyzed. With this purpose, in vitro synthesized coniferyl-naringenin and coniferyl-apigenin dehydrogenation polymers were used as standards. These flavonoids were abundant in H. cupressiforme appearing as the only constituents of the moss lignin-like fraction (including 84% of dimeric hypnogenol B) and their abundance decreased in those of S. Kraussiana (with amentoflavone and naringenin representing 14% of the total aromatic units), and the two ancient gymnosperms (0.4–1.2%) and ferns (0–0.7%).
著作権等: © 2021 Rencoret, Gutiérrez, Marques, del Río, Tobimatsu, Lam, Pérez-Boada, Ruiz-Dueñas, Barrasa and Martínez.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/267880
DOI(出版社版): 10.3389/fpls.2021.740923
PubMed ID: 34691117


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