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タイトル: <小特集 スーフィズム・タリーカ・聖者信仰複合現象の解明に向けて>スーフィズム理解の模索と展望 --三極構造論と四象限論--
その他のタイトル: <Special Feature “Toward Revealing Complexity of the Phenomenon of Sufism-Tariqa-Saint Veneration”>Paths and Prospects of Understanding Sufism: Three-Axis Framework and Four-Quadrant Theory
著者: 東長, 靖  kyouindb  KAKEN_id
著者名の別形: TONAGA, Yasushi
発行日: 22-Mar-2022
出版者: 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科附属イスラーム地域研究センター
誌名: イスラーム世界研究
巻: 15
開始ページ: 163
終了ページ: 179
抄録: I have been interested in the topic of understanding Sufism for almost twenty years. After pointing out the difficulty of the definition of Sufism, I proceeded to construct a new framework to help our understanding of Sufism. Following the “Three-Layer Framework” theory (2002), consisting of mystical, ethical, and popular layers, I advocated a “Three-Axis Framework” for Sufism (2002), composed of mystical, ethical, and popular axes. This paper traces my subsequent attempt to construct a better framework for Sufi sm. It presents a “New Three-Axis Framework” (2005), which replaced the popular axis with a “popular-guidance” axis. This new axis showed the Sufi s’ role in guiding common people. After introducing the two “Four-Quadrant Theories” (2017 and 2020), a “Three-Dimensional Framework” (2021), and a “Hexagon Framework” (2021), made up of the “elite, ” “people, ” “ḥaqīqa-orientation, ” “sharī’a-orientation, ” “Islamicity, ” and “universality, ” I produced a new “Four-Quadrant Theory” (2022) for Sufi sm. This is composed of two opposites, namely, “mysticism–ethics” and “elite–people.” At the end of the paper, I discuss the prospects of a “Sufism-Tariqa-Saint Veneration Complex” theory, utilizing the afore-mentioned “Three-Axis Framework, ” which this time is applied not to Sufism itself but to this complex in general. I believe this framework shows the subtle relationship of the three elements of the complex, which sometimes overlap with one another and sometimes do not.
著作権等: 本文ファイルは2022-05-01に公開
©京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科附属イスラーム地域研究センター 2022
© مركز دراسات الحضارة الإسلامية بجامعة كيوتو، ٢٠٢٢
DOI: 10.14989/269332
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/269332


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