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  武藤, 拓之 (2021-03)
  基礎心理学研究, 39(2): 196-212
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ベイズ統計モデリングの有用性を示す認知心理学研究の紹介 : 個人間・試行間のばらつきを理解する
  武藤, 拓之 (2021-03-01)
  認知科学, 28(1): 182-187
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Temporal distancing during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Letter writing with future self can mitigate negative affect
  Chishima, Yuta; Huai‐Ching Liu, I‐Ting; E. Wilson, Anne (2021-05)
  Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 13(2): 406-418
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Neural representations of the committed romantic partner in the nucleus accumbens
  Ueda, Ryuhei; Abe, Nobuhito (2021-12)
  Psychological Science, 32(12): 1884-1895
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Effects of sequential winning vs. losing on subsequent gambling behavior: analysis of empirical data from casino baccarat players
  Abe, Nobuhito; Nakai, Ryusuke; Yanagisawa, Kuniaki; Murai, Toshiya; Yoshikawa, Sakiko (2021)
  International Gambling Studies, 21(1): 103-118
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Kyoto University ACADEMIC GROOVE Vol.2 BORDER --Humanities and Social Sciences
  : 1-16
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Correlational evidence for the role of spatial perspective-taking ability in the mental rotation of human-like objects
  Muto, Hiroyuki (2021-04)
  Experimental Psychology, 68(1): 41-48
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Differences in dream content and structure between Japanese and Western dreams
  Roesler, Christian; Konakawa, Hisae; Tanaka, Yasuhiro (2021-10)
  International Journal of Dream Research, 14(2): 195-201
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