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タイトル: シェーラーに於ける「人格の情緒的存在構造」に就いて : ordo amoris
その他のタイトル: On the Structure of the Emotional Essence of a Person in the Philosophy of M. Scheler
著者: 深谷, 昭三  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: Fukatani, Shyozo
発行日: 20-Jan-1953
出版者: 京都哲學會 (京都大學文學部内)
誌名: 哲學研究
巻: 36
号: 4
開始ページ: 263
終了ページ: 276
抄録: In this essay I have tried to discuss the problems raised by Scheler in his theory and system of value, which he asserted to be ‘material’ and ‘apriori’ by criticizing his conception of the intentionality of love and his peculiar conception of a person; thus I wanted to clarify the original and basic character of human existence. In the philosophy of Scheler it is nothing but the intentionality of love that serves as a bridge for reaching the kingdom of values. His love is neither sympathy nor a feeling of unity (Einsfühlung), but an intentional emotion; and as such it is an important faculty for the cognition of values. Now what Scheler calls a person is not the ego of the transcendental apperception nor a psychological ego, but a unity of intentional actions; such a person is a complete individual only in the execution of intentional actions. In other words, we may say that a person is a phenomenal unity-form of intentional acts, while love is a phenomenal unifying band of persons. He introduces further the conception of a general person (Gesamtperson) as the principle of solidarity. This, according to him, is the highest form of society as a personal unity of individual persons. But such a society is made possible only by the spontaneous, mutual love of human persons (Gegenliebe). In what he calls „the order of love“ as a result of such a love, i.e. in the concrete realization of personal values, human beings become truly individual persons. Consequently, the realization of all other values is likewise perfected here. Therefore, Scheler teaches, we ought to fight against all hatred, resentment and pharisaism that would jeopardize „the order of love“.
DOI: 10.14989/JPS_36_04_263
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/272903
出現コレクション:第36卷第4册 (第414號)


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