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タイトル: <論説>清朝後期の駐防八旗 --太平天国の乱と杭州八旗--
その他のタイトル: <Articles>The Eight Banner Garrisons in the Late Qing Dynasty: The Taiping Rebellion and the Hangzhou Garrisons
著者: 葉, 勝  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: YE, Sheng
キーワード: Eight Banner System
the Hangzhou Garrisons
Taiping Rebellion
Manchu Documents
Qing dynasty
発行日: 31-May-2022
出版者: 史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
誌名: 史林
巻: 105
号: 3
開始ページ: 415
終了ページ: 454
抄録: 清朝の統治の根幹をなす駐防八旗は、地方に対する支配の現れであり、かつ統治の特色を体現したという点で重要であった。本稿は「清代宮中檔案奏摺及軍機処檔案摺件」や『鎮守杭州等処将軍満文檔案冊』など満漢文の原史料を用い、太平天国の乱における杭州八旗の戦力と戦いぶりから、清朝後期における駐防八旗の位置付けを再考するものである。杭州の戦いでの杭州八旗の働きを子細に追うと、二百年以上の歴史を持つこの職業軍が同時代の近代化された欧米列強の軍隊には遠く及ばないものの、依然として相当の戦闘能力を保持していたことがわかるし、駐防旗人の実質的土着化は、在郷軍である駐防八旗の戦意を強化した。先行研究では、太平天国の戦いに敗れたという結果のみから八旗、特に駐防八旗が制度として腐敗していたと評価するが、戦死者の遺族への保障制度が四十年以上も続いたことは、八旗行政が清末にいたるまで安定していたことを示している。
The Eight Banner Garrisons system, which formed the basis of the Qing regime’s rule, was important in that it was a manifestation of Qing rule over various regions and that it embodied the characteristics of this rule. This article reconsiders the position of the Eight Banner Garrisons in the late Qing dynasty by using original documents from the Manchu and Chinese archives that describe the strength and fighting performance of the Hangzhou Garrisons during the Taiping Rebellion. Tracing in detail the performance of the Hangzhou Garrisons in the Battle of Hangzhou shows that this professional army with a history of over 200 years still retained considerable fighting capability, although they were far behind the modernized armies of the Western powers of the same period. Moreover, the substantial indigenization of the Eight Banner soldiers strengthened the fighting spirit of the Hangzhou Garrisons as a local army. Ultimately, the Hangzhou Garrisons did suffer heavy defeats in their battles against the Taiping Army. However, it can be seen that the causes of these defeats were mainly due to the overwhelming disadvantage in numbers and the non-cooperation of the various Qing army units. In early Qing times, the Eight Banners conquered the whole country with a small number of troops, but this military success was built on the success of various political measures, and the Eight Banners compensated for their lack of numbers by concentrating their forces. The basic conditions underlying the two cases were too different to produce the same result. The Hangzhou Garrisons performed well in contrast to other units of the Qing regime during the same period, and they did not lose the trust of the supreme ruling class through the end of the Qing dynasty. Although previous studies have concluded on the basis of the defeat in the Taiping Rebellion that the Eight Banners, and especially the Eight Banner Garrisons, were a system that had become corrupt, the fact that the system of guaranteed compensation for the bereaved families of those killed in battle lasted for over 40 years shows that the Eight Banners administration remained stable until the end of the Qing dynasty.
著作権等: ©史学研究会
DOI: 10.14989/shirin_105_3_415
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/275811


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