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タイトル: Nuclear Reactor Physics Experiments
著者: Misawa, Tsuyoshi
Unesaki, Hironobu
Pyeon, Cheolho
著者名の別形: 三澤, 毅
宇根崎, 博信
卞, 哲浩
発行日: 2010
出版者: Kyoto University Press
開始ページ: 1
終了ページ: 129
目次: Preface [iv]
List of Contributors [vi]
Introduction to Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA)
1. General Description of KUCA Facility [1]
1-1 KUCA Facility [1]
1-2 Solid-Moderated-Cores (A- and B-cores) [2]
1-3 Light-Water-Moderated Core (C-core) [3]
1-4 Pulsed Neutron Source [4]
1-5 Control Room [5]
2. Details of the Light-Water-Moderated Core (C-core) [5]
2-1 Overall Structure [5]
2-2 Core Tank and Grid Plate [6]
2-3 Fuel Plate and Fuel Frame [6]
2-4 Core Configuration [10]
Chapter 1 Approach to Criticality
1-1 Fission Chain Reaction, Neutron Multiplication, and Approach to Criticality [13]
1-1-1 Fission Chain Reaction [13]
1-1-2 Neutron Multiplication [15]
1-1-3 Inverse Count Rate and Approach to Criticality [16]
1-2 Experiments [18]
1-2-1 Neutron Detectors [18]
1-2-2 Actual Procedure of Experiments [18]
1-2-3 Determination of Infinite Reflector Thickness [22]
1-3 Discussion [24]
1-4 Preparatory Report [25]
1-4-1 Numerical Simulation of Approach to Criticality Experiment [25]
1-4-2 Two-Energy-Group Diffusion Calculation of Reflected Reactor [29]
Appendix 1 [33]
1A. Analytical Solution of Two-Energy-Group Diffusion Equation [33]
1B. Solution for Core Region [34]
1C. Solution for Reflector Region [36]
1D. Determination of Critical Core Size [38]
1E. Neutron Flux Distribution [40]
Chapter 2 Control Rod Calibration
2-1 Purpose [43]
2-2 Principle [44]
2-2-1 Reactor Kinetic Equation [44]
2-2-2 Positive Period Method [45]
2-2-3 Control Rod Drop Method [48]
2-2-4 Compensation Method [50]
2-3 Experiments [50]
2-3-1 Core Configuration [50]
2-3-2 Period Method Experiment [52]
2-3-3 Rod Drop Method Experiment [52]
2-4 Discussion [52]
2-5 Preparatory Report [53]
Appendix 2 [55]
2A. Neutron Lifetime [55]
2B. Delayed Neutron Data and Basic Parameters of KUCA [55]
2C. First-Order Perturbation Theory [56]
2D. Control Rod Calibration Curve [58]
Chapter 3 Measurement of Reaction Rate
3-1 Purpose [61]
3-2 Principle [62]
3-2-1 Features of Neutron Activation Detector [62]
3-2-2 Measurement of Neutron Flux Using Activation Detector [63]
3-2-3 Measurement of Radioactivity Using Gold (Au) Activation Foil [67]
3-2-4 Detection Efficiency [69]
3-3 Activation Reaction Rate Contributed by Thermal Neutron Flux [70]
3-3-1 Neutron Spectrum in Reactor Core [70]
3-3-2 Activation Reaction Rate Contributed by Thermal Neutrons [72]
3-4 Experiments [81]
3-4-1 Core Configuration [81]
3-4-2 Equipment and Irradiation of Gold Wires and Foils [81]
3-4-3 Measurement of Radiation of Gold Wires and Foils [83]
3-5 Discussion [88]
3-6 Preparatory Report [90]
Appendix 3 [95]
3A. Activation Reaction Rate by 4πβ-γ Coincidence Method [95]
3A-1 Principle of 4πβ-γ Coincidence Method [95]
3A-2 Absolute Measurement by 4πβ-γ Coincidence Method [97]
3B. Outline of the HPGe Detector [98]
Chapter 4 Feynman-α Method
4-1 Purpose [101]
4-2 Variance-to-Mean Ratio in Multiplication System [102]
4-2-1 Decay Constant α [103]
4-2-2 Y Value Expressed by Reactivity [104]
4-2-3 Y Value [104]
4-2-4 Asymptotic Behavior of Y Value [104]
4-2-5 Y Value in a Critical System by Delayed Neutrons [105]
4-2-6 Relationship between Power and Y Value [106]
4-3 Experiments [106]
4-3-1 Experimental Equipment [106]
4-3-2 Experimental Methods [108]
4-3-3 Data Processing [109]
4-4 Discussion [110]
Appendix 4 [113]
4A. Derivation of Equations for Feynman-α Method [113]
4A-1 Steady State [116]
4A-2 Consideration of Delayed Neutrons [118]
4A-3 Initial Correlation Correction, Spatial Dependence, and Fission Counter [118]
Chapter 5 Pulsed Neutron Source Method
5-1 Purpose [119]
5-2 Principle [119]
5-3 Experimental Equipment [126]
5-4 Experimental Methods [126]
5-5 Data Processing [127]
5-6 Discussion [128]
記述: First published in 2010, Reprinted 2018
著作権等: Copyright © Tsuyoshi MISAWA, Hironobu UNESAKI and Cheolho PYEON, Kyoto University Press 2010, 2018
All rights reserved. No reproduction of any part of this book may take place without the written permission of Kyoto University Press.
Deposited with the publisher's permission
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/276400


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