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タイトル: Chapter 38: Arsenic Analysis
著者: Kawai, Jun
著者名の別形: 河合, 潤
キーワード: arsenic analysis
Gutzeit method
hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry
synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence
Yamauchi's group
発行日: 2022
出版者: Wiley
誌名: X‐Ray Fluorescence in Biological Sciences
開始ページ: 609
終了ページ: 621
抄録: This chapter aims to clarify the reason why arsenic concentrations of Japanese controls were one order of magnitude higher than other countries, from the viewpoint of analytical chemistry. The inorganic arsenic analyses in biological samples in Japan had only been performed by one research group, i.e. Yamauchi's group, and thus the analytical results have never been checked. This chapter is the first critical review of Japanese arsenic analyses for 44 years since Yamamura and Yamauchi began the arsenic analysis in 1976. The arsenic analyses were performed between late 1976 to early 2000 by Yamauchi's group, first using HG-AAS (hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry) and since 1998 using SRXRF (synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence) with Nakai. The Gutzeit method is used for detecting the arsenic element in the analyte by altering AgNO 3 paper to have a black color. The error sources of arsenic analysis using HG-AAS and SR-XRF are concluded in this chapter.
記述: Part VI : Special Topics and Comparision with Other Methods
著作権等: This is the submitted version of following chapter: [Jun Kawai. Chapter 38 Arsenic Analysis. 'X-Ray Fluorescence in Biological Sciences: Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications' pp.609-621], which has been published in final form at ttps://doi.org/10.1002/9781119645719.ch38. This chapter may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
The full-text file will be made open to the public on 15 April 2024 in accordance with publisher's 'Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving'.
This is not the published version. Please cite only the published version. この論文は出版社版でありません。引用の際には出版社版をご確認ご利用ください。
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/276650
DOI(出版社版): 10.1002/9781119645719.ch38


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