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Title: The Observation of the Precipitation Process by Electronmicroscope : I. Barium Sulfate
Authors: OKADA, Shinzō
KAWANE, Makoto
MAGARI, Saburō
Issue Date: 10-Nov-1951
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Start page: 198
End page: 208
Abstract: We observed phenomenologically the precipitations of barium sulfate which were made under various conditions, and we may conclude as follows : (1) The precipitation reaction of barium sulfate is divided into two processes: (2) Both processes go in parallel, and the main part of the first process is autopurification and orientation, and the process of the second consists in orientation and coagulation of a-aggregates. We may call the product of the first process the α-aggregate, and that of the second the β-aggregate. (3) The particle of barium sulfate which has been observed by the optical microscope is β-aggregate.
Appears in Collections:Vol.13 No.4

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