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Title: Fog Formation in a Cooler Condenser
Authors: MIZUSHINA, Tokuro
Issue Date: 15-Jul-1955
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 17
Issue: 2
Start page: 99
End page: 115
Abstract: (1) The limiting conditions of the two steps of fog formation in a cooler condenser, namely fog formation in gas film and in bulk stream, were discussed. (2) The enthalpy profile in gas film in an air cooler dehumidifier was found to be linear even when fog was forming in it. (3) Theoretical equations were presented for calculation of the apparent heat and mass transfer coefficients in the case of fog formation in gas film in an air cooler dehumidifier. (4) In an air cooler dehumidifier, the same enthalpy transfer equation with the same value of transfer coefficient is applicable to all of the following cases: no fog formation, fog formation in gas film and fog formation in bulk stream. (5) The above three cases were observed in a double tube cooler dehumidifier of air. The results of the experiment verified the above discussions.
Description: The first part of this paper except the notes at the end was published by T. Mizushina, M. Nakajima, T. Omoto and H, Fukusen in Chem. Eng., Japan, 16, 345 (1952).
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