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Title: Creep of Eccentrically Loaded Short Reinforced Concrete Columns
Authors: BAN, Shizuo
OKADA, Kiyoshi
Issue Date: 15-Jul-1955
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 17
Issue: 2
Start page: 116
End page: 138
Abstract: Presents methods and results of an experimental and analytical investigation undertaken to clarify the creep behavior of reinforced concrete members subject to sustained combined bending and axial load. A total of 32 column specimens were tested during 46 weeks of sustained loading, of which 8 were plain concrete specimens, and 24 were tied columns with 2.09 and 3.72 per cent reinforcement. Creep characteristics of concrete was determined by the plain concrete specimens. Three conditions of eceentricity, which varied from Oto 0.5 times the depth of the column cross section, were investigated in each of two different amounts of reinforcement. A general analysis was developed, by means of which the creep of the reinforced concrete member subject to sustained eccentric load with large eccentricity may be explained, and the redistribution of stresses in concrete and reinforcement, the variation in deformation of column may be predicted with satisfactory accuracy.
Appears in Collections:Vol.17 No.2

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