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Title: Digital Computer Analysis of Influence Coefficients for Deflection and Bending Moment of Orthotropic Parallelogram Plates
Authors: NARUOKA, Masao
ŌMURA, Hiroshi  KAKEN_name
Issue Date: 29-Jun-1959
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 21
Issue: 2
Start page: 103
End page: 127
Abstract: The skew network finite difference equation for the differential equation of equilibrium on the middle surface of the orthotropic parallelogram plate, expressed in Cartesian coordinates, Bₓ ∂⁴w/∂x⁴ + 2H ∂⁴w/∂x²∂y² + By ∂⁴w/∂y⁴ = p was proposed for the general case, 0≦K = H/√BₓBy≦1, and for the special boundary conditions where the plate is supported simply at the two opposite skew sides and supported by flexible girders at the other two sides. Dividing the parallelogram plate into six equidistant lengths in the direction of the span and also perpendicular to the span, and then applying the skew network finite difference equation, the influence coefficients of deflection and bending moment were calculated by the use of digital computers, UNIVAC-120 and Bendix G-15D, for the two cases of variables.
Appears in Collections:Vol.21 Part 2

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