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Title: A Method for Calculating the Dynamic Stability of a Human-Piloted Airplane by the “Root-Locus Method”
Authors: MAEDA, Hiroshi
Issue Date: 31-May-1961
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 23
Issue: 2
Start page: 154
End page: 171
Abstract: A method of treating a human-piloted airplane as one closed-loop system and calculating the dynamic stability of the airplane by the Evans's “Root-Locus Method” has been investigated. Using this method, not only the characteristics of the transient motion but also the control ability of the human-pilot to decrease the residual motion of the airplane can be understood conveniently. In this paper, some results of numerical calculation with this method are described for a typical airplane.
Appears in Collections:Vol.23 Part 2

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