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Title: An Analytical Study of Heat Transfer in Nucleate Boiling
Authors: MICHIYOSHI, Itaru
UEMATSU, Kunihiko
NAKAJIMA, Tsuyoshi
Issue Date: 16-Mar-1964
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 26
Issue: 1
Start page: 16
End page: 27
Abstract: This paper deals with a theoretical prediction of heat transfer in a steady state nucleate boiling by applying the theory which was developed for the incidence of the first bubble in transient boiling. The predictions are compared with experimental data or empirical correlations of water and Neo SK oil ♯ 350 (mixture of terphenyls). Some discussion is also presented for the preparing period of one cycle of bubbling.
Appears in Collections:Vol.26 Part 1

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