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Title: A Study of Super-High Speed Machining
Authors: OKUSHIMA, Keiji
HITOMI, Katsundo
ITO, Shuntaro
Issue Date: 10-Jun-1964
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 26
Issue: 2
Start page: 85
End page: 109
Abstract: This paper is concerned with the fundamental study of super-high speed machining. Cutting tests were performed on carbon steel with carbide, ceramic, and cermet tools to investigate the fundamental problems such as tool forces, tool life, surface roughness, etc. at super-high speeds (above the conventional cutting speed) obtained easily by the latest high-speed precision lathe, and to find out the possibility of practical use of super-high speed machining in machine shops. It was found that a certain grade of the ceramic tool has a great possibility of being used for super-high speed machining. Super-high speed machining operation produced an excellent surface finish, increasing the productivity of finish operation, but the tool life at super-high speeds was short at the present stage. The development of tool materials with high heat resistance and machine tools with high rigidity enough for super-high speeds is expected. Cutting fluids supplied to super-high speed machining increased surface finish slightly, but decreased tool life.
Appears in Collections:Vol.26 Part 2

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