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Title: A Method to Optimize the Stability of a Linear Dynamic System : II. With Equality Constraints
Authors: MAEDA, Hiroshi
Issue Date: 20-May-1965
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 27
Issue: 2
Start page: 166
End page: 177
Abstract: A numerical method to optimize the stability of a linear dynamic system which was described in the last paper is generalized to the case of equality constraints in this report. The process is an application of the “steepest-descent method” as well, and it is inclusive of the procedure given in the last paper as a simple case. Hence, with application of this method, problems which are of practical interest but are difficult to treat with the previous method are expected to be solvable. A numerical example is presented for maximizing the damping of the Dutch-Roll mode of motion of an airplane.
Appears in Collections:Vol.27 Part 2

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