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タイトル: Studies on the System Hydrochloric Acid-Water-Tri-n-Butyl Phosphate
著者: NISHIMURA, Sanji
KONDO, Yoshio
発行日: 20-May-1965
出版者: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
誌名: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
巻: 27
号: 2
開始ページ: 202
終了ページ: 217
抄録: This study is intended to determine the species formed in the heterogeneous equilibrium between aqueous hydrochloric acid and tributyl phosphate and to clarify the mechanism of extraction. In addition to the conventional distribution measurement of hydrochloric acid and water, physico-chemical measurements of volume-change, density and viscosity were carried out with the equilibrated organic phases. Infra-red absorption spectra were also measured. It was found that the major extracting species is [TBP·H₂O] at the equilibrated acid concentration in aqueous phase below 2.0M. Above 2.0M, two other species were found to exist as a result of solute-solvent interactions in the system studied ; the one formed at lower acid concentration has the general formula [(TBP)₂·H₃O⁺·(y+1)H₂O···Cl⁻] (y was determined as 3.5) and the another formed at higher acid concentration has the formula [TBP·H₃O⁺·2H₂O···Cl⁻]. With Redlich-Kister equations on the equilibrium distribution in two components system, the activities and activity coefficients of two species [TBP·H₂O] and [(TBP)2·H₃O|++·4.5(H₂O)···C1⁻] and the equilibrium constant of the two species in organic phase at lower acid concentration were determined.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/280625
出現コレクション:Vol.27 Part 2


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