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タイトル: Fundamental Research on Gear Lubrication
著者: SASAKI, Tokio
OKAMURA, Kenjiro
KONISHI, Tadataka
発行日: 31-Aug-1966
出版者: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
誌名: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
巻: 28
号: 3
開始ページ: 277
終了ページ: 317
抄録: In this paper, the fundamental characteristics of gear lubrication were synthetically clarified, and the oil-film formation between mating gear-teeth was investigated, taking into consideration the dynamic performance of gear-teeth. Using roller and gear testing equipments, the fundamental lubrication characteristics were measured under various driving conditions, and the lubrication characteristic was classified into three regions. The correlation between both lubrication characteristics of rollers and gears was investigated referring to the experimental results, and it is deduced that the analysis of the dynamic phenomena owing to gear mating is very important. The transient characteristics of oil-film due to the gear-mesh were theoretically analyzed, and the transient performance of oil-film was experimentally measured using special models of rollers. The dynamic lubrication theory was applied to the practical gears in consideration of the tooth deflection, and the variation of oil-film thickness was measured through over-all range of a geartooth mesh using a special test gears. From these results, the principle of oil-film formation in gears were discussed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/280664
出現コレクション:Vol.28 Part 3


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