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Title: On the Electromotive Force and the Electric Conductivity Accompanied with the Detonation of Explosives
Authors: ITO, Ichiro
HIRAO, Toshiro
Issue Date: 31-Aug-1966
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 28
Issue: 3
Start page: 339
End page: 349
Abstract: The electromotive force and the electric conductivity in the ionized gases produced by the detonation of Sakura dynamite were investigated in this study. This investigation was carried out to obtain several fundamental data for developing a method by which the detonation rate of an explosive could be estimated. As to the electromotive force, the maximum values ranging from 1V to 2V were obtained and these electromotive forces were generally observed in the negative signal against the ground. In the majority of records, between 10 micro-seconds and 20 micro-seconds after detonation, the conductivity was observed to attain to its stationary value which was ranged from 5×lO⁻² mho/cm to 30×l0⁻² mho/cm.
Appears in Collections:Vol.28 Part 3

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