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タイトル: The Electrical Conductivity and Activation Energy for Ionic Conductance of the Fused Salts Mixtures
著者: MATSUMURA, Yoshitaka
発行日: 24-Nov-1967
出版者: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
誌名: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
巻: 29
号: 4
開始ページ: 462
終了ページ: 473
抄録: The electrical conductivity of the fused salt systems KCl-LiCl, KCl-NaCl, KCl-KBr and NaCl-NaBr have been determined as functions of both temperature and molar fractions, and the activation energy for ionic conductance is calculated with Frenkel's theory. The isotherms of equivalent conductivity against molar fractions for system KCl-LiCl showed negative deviation from additivity and a minimum value was found at 20 mol % LiCl. The activation energy showed positive deviation from additivity and a maximum value was found at 40 mol % LiCl. In the KCl-NaCl, KCl-KBr and NaCl-NaBr systems, the isotherms of equivalent conductivity showed negative deviation from additivity and the activation energy showed positive deviation. The deviation of the activation energy from additivity are caused by the interactions between different types of cation and cation hole or anion and anion hole in the liquid mixture.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/280709
出現コレクション:Vol.29 Part 4


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