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Title: Estimation of Dispersion Coefficients on Free Surface by Means of Particle Simulation Method
Authors: IWASA, Yoshiaki
IMAMOTO, Hirotake
Issue Date: 15-Mar-1968
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 30
Issue: 1
Start page: 15
End page: 25
Abstract: The present paper deals with a theoretical treatment of the size effect of solid particles on the estimation of dispersion coefficients at the free surface of flow by means of the tracer simulation method and experimental evidences made at a test flume in the laboratory and a navigation canal. The results obtained through experimentations indicate that the fluctuating velocites of solid particles on the free surface are of outstanding periodicity and therefore the Lagrangian correlation coefficient is not simply expressed in terms of an exponential function as done by Taylor, which must be further investigated by more extensive research programs.
Appears in Collections:Vol.30 Part 1

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