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Title: Thermodynamic Study on the Systems of Metals and Their Oxides by EMF Measurements Using Solid Electrolyte
Authors: MORIYAMA, Joichiro
SATO, Norimasa
ASAO, Haruhiko
KOZUKA, Zensaku
Issue Date: 30-Jun-1969
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 31
Issue: 2
Start page: 253
End page: 267
Abstract: Emf of the following galvanic cell employing solid electrolyte were measured at the temperature range of 700°~1100°C. Pt/Ni · NiO/O--/Air/Pt Pt/Ni · NiO/O--/Cu · Cu₂O/Pt Pt/Ni · NiO/O--/Co · CoO/Pt Pt (Fe · FeO/O--/Ni · NiO/Pt Pt/Fe · Fe₁₋ₓO/O--/Fe₁₋yO · Fe₃O₄/Pt Pt/Ni · NiO/O--/Fe₃O₄ · Fe₂O₃/Pt From those results the equilibrium oxygen pressures of Ni·NiO, Cu·Cu₂O, Co·CoO, Fe·FeO, FeO·Fe₃O₄ and Fe₃O₄·Fe₂O₃, and the standard free energy of formation of NiO, Cu₂O, CoO, FeO, FeO·Fe₃O₃ and Fe₂O₃ were estimated. Based on these experimental results it is shown that 1) stabilized zirconia and thoria could be used as a solid electrolyte under the conditions of 700°~1100°C and partial pressure of oxygen between 1 atm. and 10⁻²⁰ atm., and a little impurity in electrolyte did not have an unfavorable effect on the determination of equilibrium partial oxygen pressure of metal-metallic oxide systems 2) alumina and magnesia could not be used as a solid electrolyte of the present emf measurements 3) one might conclude that emf measurements using a solid electrolyte could obtain the same thermodynamic values as the other reliable equilibrium methods.
Appears in Collections:Vol.31 Part 2

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