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タイトル: Some Physical Properties and Catalytic Activities of Vanadium Oxide (III) : Catalyst
著者: TARAMA, Kimio
TERANISHI, Shiichiro
HATTORI, Kentaro
発行日: 31-Mar-1970
出版者: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
誌名: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
巻: 31
号: 4
開始ページ: 611
終了ページ: 620
抄録: Electric conductivities and magnetic susceptibilities of V₂O₃ catalysts containing small amount of MoO₂ or α-Al₂O₃ were measured. The temperature dependencies of these physical properties showed that these catalysts were antiferromagnetic semiconductor. In general, addition of small amount of MoO₂ caused increase of effective magnetic moment (μₑff), descent of the Néel temperature () and decrease of activation energy for electric conduction (). In the case of addition of Al₂O₃, reverse changes of these properties were observed. The rates of p-H₂ conversion with these catalysts were also measured. It was asserted that the controlling step for this conversion was the desorption process of H₂, because the temperature at which this conversion became observable correlated closely with the temperature at which adsorbed H₂ began to be desorbed. Addition of MoO₂ promoted remarkably this conversion rate at low temperature. This promotive action of MoO₂ was explained by reason that the decrease of adsorption heat of H₂ resulted from the decrease of Eσ, that is, the ascent of Fermi level by addition of MoO₂. In the case of V₂O₃-Al₂O₃ catalyst, reverse action was expected from change of its physical properties, but rather slight improvement of activity for p-H₂ conversion was observed. This result was interpreted by the fact that this catalyst was in the slightly oxidized state favorable for this conversion.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/280800
出現コレクション:Vol.31 Part 4


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