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タイトル: Measurement of Electron Density and Temperature in a Pulsed Argon Ion Laser
著者: FUJIMOTO, Takashi
OGATA, Yoshiro
FUKUDA, Kuniya
発行日: 10-Sep-1970
出版者: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
誌名: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
巻: 32
号: 2
開始ページ: 236
終了ページ: 248
抄録: This paper is concerned with some results of experiment and analysis on plasma of pulsed argon ion laser. A long pulsed discharge was brought about with varied discharge voltages of 2~5kV at pressures from 10 to lOOm Torr. Laser oscillations of 6 argon ion lines were observed in the pressure range from 10 to 30m Torr. The change of electron density during the discharge was measured with a He-Ne laser interferometer and a double probe, giving the value of the order of 10¹4cm⁻³ for the above discharge conditions. The time variation of electron temperature was also determined with a double probe and by the measurement of plasma electrical resistivity. Temperature of 4.5~7×10⁴ °K was obtained. From the analysis of the measured plasma parameters it is concluded that the free fall model of Tonks-Langmuir is valid in the laser plasma except in the early period of the pulsed discharge. Further, observed laser oscillations and spontaneous emissions are analized and three-level model is supported for the pumping of excited levels of argon ion lines in the quasi-CW oscillation region, i.e. the later period, of the laser discharge.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/280820
出現コレクション:Vol.32 Part 2


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