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Title: Collision-Induced Transitions within the Levels of 4p Configuration of Ar II
Authors: TACHIBANA, Kunihide
FUKUDA, Kuniya
Issue Date: Jan-1973
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 35
Issue: 1
Start page: 79
End page: 92
Abstract: On the basis of a semi-empirical calculation of plasma parameters, the change of the population density induced by the laser field modulation at 4880 A (4p²D⁰₅/₂-4s²P⁰₃/₂) has been observed as a function of atom or electron density for the laser upper level and a third level, any one in the 4p configuration of ArII. In this situation the anisotropic intensity distribution of spontaneous radiation around the laser tube axis is analyzed so as to relate the change of the radiation to that of the population density for the transitions of interest. Further, by the use of a rate equation developed for the modulated population density of the third level, the rate coefficient is derived for the transition between this and the laser upper levels from the observed changes of population densities of these levels. The values of the rate coefficients for the collisional transitions are obtained for all levels of the 4p cofiguration, and in connection with this result the configuration temperature of this configuration is discussed.
Appears in Collections:Vol.35 Part 1

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