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Title: Electrical and Optical Properties of Te doped GaSb
Authors: OSAMURA, Kozo
Issue Date: 31-Mar-1975
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 37
Issue: 1
Start page: 47
End page: 61
Abstract: To examine the property of impurity states in n- and p-type GaSb, the crystals were prepared by doping it with Te. The Hall and resistivity measurements were made and, simultaneously, the free carrier absorption was measured. The undoped crystals were always p-type. The perfect compensation was found to occur at the 0.003 at% amount of Te added to the melt. In the p-type GaSb, it was found that the acceptor level, which results from vacancies in Sb sub-lattice site, is located at 0.021 eV. In the n-type GaSb, the donor concentration changed from 0.5 to 10 x10¹⁸cm⁻³ by increasing the Te amount. It was suggested that the acceptor introduced into the n-type crystal corresponds to the deeper acceptor level, which was observed in the highly compensated p-type sample. The concentration of its acceptor was found to be fairly larger than that of the native acceptor.
Appears in Collections:Vol.37 Part 1

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