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Title: Settlement Analysis of Foundation on Weathered Rock Mass by Finite Element Method
Authors: OHNISHI, Yuzo
Issue Date: 25-Jul-1977
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 39
Issue: 2
Start page: 285
End page: 300
Abstract: The long-term settlement of a bridge foundation was predicted by the finite element analysis. In the meantime, the collaboration of laboratory tests, in-situ tests and computer analyses was discussed and utilized in the rock mechanics analysis. The results of the laboratory tests concluded that the creep behavior of weathered granite could be represented by a rheological model. Such a rheological model was used in the finite element analysis. The in-situ plate loading test was performed with a measurement of the strain distribution in the rock mass beneath the plate. The comparisons of the computed results and the field data indicated the effectiveness of the finite element method as far as the elastic and creep analyses are concerned. The actual bridge foundation was analyzed by the finite element method with the three-element rheological model in order to estimate the long-term settlement. The foundation structure was found to displace less than 12 cm, and it was concluded that the amount of the settlement was in the allowable range.
Appears in Collections:Vol.39 Part 2

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