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Title: On Acoustic Dispersion In MF₆-type Molecules
Authors: HIGASHI, Kunio
DOI, Hideo
KONO, Yutaka
MATSUDA, Yoshihisa
Issue Date: Jan-1978
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 40
Issue: 1
Start page: 1
End page: 7
Abstract: Available data on relaxation times in MF₆-type molecule have been incompatible with analytical approaches. Then, we performed experiments on the acoustic dispersion of SF₆, WF₆ and UF₆ gases by using a double crystal ultrasonic interferometer. It was revealed that the available data on WF₆ are not acceptable, and the relaxation time of UF₆ is less than 0.027 μsec・atm at a temperature below 68°C.
Appears in Collections:Vol.40 Part 1

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