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Title: Numerical Study of Confined Jets : I. Prediction of Flow Pattern and Turbulence Quantities with a Two-equation Model of Turbulence
Authors: KANG, Yoon-Myung
SUZUKI, Kenjiro
Issue Date: Jun-1978
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 40
Issue: 2
Start page: 41
End page: 61
Abstract: This paper presents numerical predictions of the flow pattern and the turbulence quantities in confined jets which have almost no recirculating flow. Basic equations relevant for this problem are an elliptic type of differential equations. The turbulence model employed is a two-equation model in which an eddy viscosity introduced is given from the local turbulent kinetic energy and its dissipation rate. The calculated results of the mean flow pattern are in fairly good agreement with the experimental counterparts, and the observable discrepancy is discussed in relation with the turbulence quantities. Additionally, a few comments are presented for future study of a better turbulence model.
Appears in Collections:Vol.40 Part 2

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