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Title: Characteristics of Two Types of Grazing Incidence Spectrometers with Holographic Gratings
Authors: SUEMITSU, Hidetoshi
HASAMA, Toshifumi
FUKUDA, Kuniya
Issue Date: 29-Oct-1980
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 42
Issue: 3
Start page: 308
End page: 323
Abstract: Two types of grazing incidence spectrometers have been constructed which are applicable to photographic and photo-electric recordings of emission spectra of plasmas in the extreme ultraviolet. The spectrometer SGX-100 with a 1-m Rowland circle covers the wavelengths of 30 to 1500 Å with both a holographic grating (HG) and a ruled one (RG). In this spectrometer, the incidence angle cc to the gratings is continuously variable from 80°to 86°, where the inverse Vodar mounting is adopted to keep a constant line of sight of the spectrometer against a light source. The small grazing incidence spectrometer GIT-30 with a toroidal holographic grating covers the wave-lengths of 150 to 1600 Å. The wavelength scanning is performed by a simple rotation of the grating under a constant angle 142° between the incident and exit beams. These spectrometers were used to observe spectra of emissions from a hollow cathode lamp and linear Z-pinch and plasma-focus discharges. Characteristics of the spectrometers are discussed on the data observed.
Appears in Collections:Vol.42 Part 3

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