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Title: Studies on Thin Liquid Film of Annular-mist Two-phase Flow : I. Wave Characteristics and Heat Transfer
Authors: HAGIWARA, Yoshimichi
SUZUKI, Kenjiro
SATO, Takashi
Issue Date: 30-Jun-1982
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 44
Issue: 2
Start page: 309
End page: 328
Abstract: This paper presents measurements both of the heat transfer coefficient and wave characteristics of liquid film in an annular-mist two-phase two component flow. The liquid film surface waves were obtained by a two-wire conductance method. Comparing the increasing tendency of the heat transfer coefficient on the liquid flow rate with that of the wave height, the enhancement of the heat transfer coefficient is found to correspond to the onset of disturbance waves. Additionally, the relationship between the wave velocity and its height was obtained, using two sets ofconductance probes. The velocity of ripple increases with its height, while the velocity of disturbance wave increases with apparent gas phase velocity, regardless of its height.
Appears in Collections:Vol.44 Part 2

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