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Title: Measurements of Scattered Neutron Spectra at 90゜ Direction for Thin Targets of Ti, Fe, Ni, Cu, Nb, Mo and Pb by ²⁵²Cf Fission Neutrons
Authors: SHIN, Kazuo
HYODO, Tomonori
Issue Date: 31-Jan-1984
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 45
Issue: 4
Start page: 17
End page: 25
Abstract: The angular spectra of scattered neutrons were measured by using fission neutrons with various thin targets of Ti, Fe, Ni, Cu, Nb, Mo, and Pb to make an integral testing of fast-neutron differential scattering cross sections in the ENDF/B-IV and JENDL-1 files. Parallel beams of the fission neutrons were injected into the targets, and neutrons scattered at 90° in the laboratory system were measured with an NE-213 scintillator. Monte Carlo calculations were done to analyze the experimental spectra. The data in the ENDF/B-IV and JENDL-1 files utilized in the calculations. The following are pointed out in this work : (1) The Fe and Pb spectra were reproduced well by the data in the ENDF/B-IV file. (2) The Mo spectrum was reproduced by the JENDL-1 file better than the ENDF/B-IV file. (3) The Cu spectrum was not reproduced by either the ENDF/B-IV file nor the JENDL-1 file. (4) The calculation by the ENDF/B-IV data gave a harder spectrum for the Nb target than that of the experiment. (5) The calculation by the ENDF/B-IV file gave a slight underestimate to th espectra at low energies for the Ti and Ni targets, compared with the experimental ones.
Appears in Collections:Vol.45 Part 4

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