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Title: Realization of Pseudo-Rational Input/Output Maps and Its Spectral Properties
Authors: YAMAMOTO, Yutaka
Issue Date: 31-Oct-1985
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 47
Issue: 4
Start page: 221
End page: 239
Abstract: Realization of a special class of input/output maps is considered. A linear input/output map which belongs to this class is called pseudo-rational, and it behaves in a way similar to the input/output maps of finite-dimensional systems in the following sense : To determine the canonical state space, only the output data on a bounded time interval is needed. Central examples of this class of input/output maps are those of delay-differential systems. A concrete representation for the canonical space is given ; and then it is used to give an explicit differential equation description. Some spectral properties which are very similar to those of the delay-differential systems are also proved. Some examples are demonstrated to illustrate the realization procedure.
Appears in Collections:Vol.47 Part 4

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