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タイトル: Adsorption and Fluid-mixing Characteristics of Packed Bed Catalysts with Blow-by Sections Part I. An Empirical Approach to the Problem of Concentration Distribution
著者: INUI, Tomoyuki
発行日: 17-May-1986
出版者: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
誌名: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
巻: 48
号: 2
開始ページ: 151
終了ページ: 167
抄録: Adsorption and fluid-mixing characteristics of packed bed catalysts with blow-by sections, those which are effective for rapid catalytic reactions, were measured by means of a pulse technique, and the results obtained by gas chromatography were examined by dynamic analysis. The exit age distribution function, E(θ), for blow-by packed tubes was divided into two parts : the blow-by section, part B, and the residence section, part R, according to the normalized residence time, θ, in the range of θ<1 and θ>1, respectively. For the semicircular blow-by packing, B was found to become maximum at a packing ratio of 13/16. For the cylindrical blow-by packing, the tracer concentration extended into the packing layer, maintaining a more uniform distribution than with either the 13/16 semicircular blow-by packing or full packing. This suggests that the incorporation of cylindrical blow-by sections in packed tube catalysts can improve both the efficiency and the lifespan of this type of catalyst.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/281319
出現コレクション:Vol.48 Part 2


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