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Title: Effects of Ion Active Agents on the Electrodeposition of Ni-Sn Alloys
Authors: HARINI
HAMURA, Mamoru
Issue Date: 30-Jan-1990
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 52
Issue: 1
Start page: 50
End page: 60
Abstract: The effects of three kinds of active agents, e.g. Anion : (C17H33COONa) (CH₂CH₂O) nH ) Nonion : R-N (CH₂CH₂O) nH ) and CH Cation : 3 R-N-CH 3 f 2 Cl⁻ on the deposit were examined. CH₂-O The experiments of electrodeposition of a Ni-Sn Alloy were carried out in the Hull-cell which used a current of 2A. The cathode was steel or copper plate and the anode was Sn- and Ni-plates. The composition of the electrolytic bath was NiCl₂ ・ 6H₂O 300g/l ; SnCl₂ ・ 2H₂O 50g/l ; H₃BO₃ 30g/l ; NH₄F ・ HF 56g/l. The temperature of the bath was 65°C. The structure of the deposits was observed and determined by means of Microscope, Scanning Electron Microcope, X-ray Diffractometry, and Electron Probe Micro Analyser. The results obtained were summarized as follows : 1 ) All ion active agents influence the surface condition and the structure of the deposits. 2 ) The electrodeposited alloys from the sulution without additional agents are mainly Ni₃Sn₄, and from the bath with the anion active agent are mostly Ni₃Sn₄ on copper, and on steel, respectively. The solution added non-inonic addition agent which gives a β-Sn deposit only on steel, but on copper gives Ni₃Sn₄. Moreover, the solution added cation active agent which gives a β-Sn deposit only either on steel or on copper. 3 ) The effects of ion active agents on the structure of the deposits are independent of the current density.
Appears in Collections:Vol.52 Part 1

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