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Title: Diffusion of Water in Bentonite
Authors: HIGASHI, Kunio
NAKAO, Masaki
FUJITA, Haruyuki
Issue Date: 30-Apr-1990
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 52
Issue: 2
Start page: 106
End page: 113
Abstract: Because of the low permeability and the high sorption coefficient, compacted sodium bentonite has been proposed as an effective backfill material in the repository of high-level radioactive waste. The only possible mechanism of nuclide transport in bentonite must be the diffusion. The diffusivity has been considered to have a close relationship with the retardation factor and the self-diffusivity of water. Then, we performed the experiments to determine the self-diffusivity of water in bentonite by using tritiated water as a tracer. The obtained self-diffusivity can be written as Da= (3.4 ± 0.2) × 10-6 [cm²/s] under the condition of temperature T= 25°C and compacted density of bentonite ρ= 2.7 [g/cm³]. It was revealed quantitatively that the self-diffusivity of water in bentonite is much smaller than that of free water (2.13 × 10-5 [cm²/s] at T= 25°C). Also discussed is the analysis of experimental results on the basis of a new solution derived for the diffusion in one dimensional finite zone.
Appears in Collections:Vol.52 Part 2

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