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Title: Turbulent Structure in Steep Open-Channel Flows
Authors: TOMINAGA, Akihiro
NEZU, Iehisa
Issue Date: 31-Jul-1991
Publisher: Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Journal title: Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Volume: 53
Issue: 3
Start page: 151
End page: 177
Abstract: Velocity measurement with a fiber-optic laser-Doppler anemometer were conducted in steep open-channel flows over smooth and incompletely rough beds. The channel slopes were changed between 1/500 and 1/25 by steps, and as a result, the Froude number changed from 0.5 to 3. The law of the wall and the distributions of turbulence intensity were examined in more detail. The von Kármán constant κ in the log law was verified to be unversally equal to 0.41. On the other hand, the integral constant A in the log law coincided with the usual value of 5.29 in subcritical flows, whereas it decreased with an increase of the bed slope in supercritical flows. This decrease of A was explained by a decrease of the damping factor B in the van Driest's mixing-length formula. The decrease of B was well correlated with an increase of the friction velocity and the roughness. The streamwise turbulence intensity became smaller in the near-wall region than the semi-empirical universal formula, as the friction velocity became larger.
Appears in Collections:Vol.53 Part 3

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